Got The Winter Blues, Mama? Try These 7 Tips!

Hey Mama,
Happy Groundhog Day week—and happy six more weeks of winter! UGH. What a funny American tradition we have, expecting a groundhog’s shadow to predict whether we get an early spring or more cold days ahead. Seriously?!
My five-year-old son was SO excited for Groundhog Day. The night before, as we were tucking him into bed, he reminded my husband and me, "I can’t wait for tomorrow!" When we asked why, he shouted, "Tomorrow is Groundhog Day!" He even made us promise to wake him up early so he wouldn’t miss the festivities.
So, of course, we did just that. But his excitement quickly turned to frustration when he realized that Phil didn’t see his shadow—meaning six more weeks of winter. All day long, he kept reminding us how "angry" he was because it was going to stay cold. And let me tell you, trying to explain to an “angry” five-year-old that the groundhog’s prediction doesn’t actually change the weather? Not an easy task, and not a conversation I ever expected to have when becoming a parent! Kids are SO funny!
Anyway, after we wrote and performed a Groundhog Day song as a family, and my son dressed up in brown from head to toe, running around the house pretending to be a groundhog all day, I started thinking about the winter blues—how real they are and how much they can weigh on us, especially as moms.
A friend of mine who lives in Ohio called me this morning, and she said, "It’s so nice here today! I’m going for a walk while we chat!" I immediately asked, "Oh wow, is it warm there?!" She laughed and said, "Yeah, it’s in the mid-40s and getting up to 50 later!" We both cracked up because that’s how you KNOW you’re in the middle of winter—when 45 degrees feels like a warm day.
So, mama, if you’re like me and my friend—soaking up a "warm" 45-degree day while still dreaming of spring—here are seven ways to help you push through the next few months.
1. Put on that winter coat and get outside—even if it's just for five minutes.
I know, I know. The last thing you want to do is bundle up and head out into the cold. But even five minutes of fresh air can do wonders for your mood. Take a quick walk around the block, stand on your porch with your coffee, or let your little one play outside for a few minutes while you breathe in the crisp air. Natural light and movement can help shake off some of that heaviness winter brings.
2. Use the light you do have.
Winter means less sunlight, but you can still maximize what you get! Open your curtains first thing in the morning, sit by the window when you can, and if possible, invest in a light therapy lamp to brighten your space. Exposure to light can boost your mood and energy levels—even on the dreariest days.
3. Set a simple daily goal.
When everything feels extra hard, don’t overcomplicate things. Give yourself one small goal for the day—something that makes you feel accomplished but doesn’t add stress. It could be as simple as drinking enough water, stretching for five minutes, or texting a friend to check in. Small wins build momentum and help you feel more in control.
4. Indulge in a “fake summer” (Have older babies? They’ll love this!).
If you’re missing the warmth, create it indoors! Turn up the heat a little, put on your favorite summer playlist, and have an indoor beach day. Wear a tank top, make a tropical smoothie, and let your kids play with sensory bins of sand or water. It might sound silly, but a little pretend sunshine can work wonders!
5. Schedule something to look forward to.
Give yourself a reason to be excited about the coming weeks. Plan a fun weekend activity, schedule a self-care day, or set up a cozy movie night with your favorite snacks. Having something on the calendar (even if it's small) can make the long winter days feel less endless.
6. Try aromatherapy.
Scents have a powerful effect on our mood. Citrus scents like orange and lemon can be energizing, while lavender and chamomile promote relaxation. Use a diffuser, light a candle, or take a warm bath with a few drops of essential oils to create a cozy, calming atmosphere in your home.
7. Connect with other moms.
Winter can feel isolating, especially when you’re deep in the newborn or postpartum phase. But you are not alone, mama. Send a quick text to a fellow mom, join an online group, or plan a coffee date (even if it’s virtual). Talking to someone who gets it can make all the difference.
Remember Mama, this is just a season.

It won’t be winter forever. The days can feel long, but this moment in time will pass. Spring will come. The sun will shine again. We know that winter can be tough, and some days feel never-ending, but you are not alone. Give yourself grace, take it one day at a time, and find joy in the little moments.

Whether you’re surviving sleepless nights, endless diaper changes, or just trying to make it to nap time. And remember, Le Lolo is always here to encourage and support you through the winter blues and every step of your postpartum journey. You are strong, you are capable, and you are doing an incredible job—no matter what the weather (or the groundhog) says.

Sending you warmth and love,


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