Hey Mama,
You’ve done your research. You've read the books, talked to friends, and Googled your life away to prepare for this new chapter. That feeling you have as an expectant mom is unlike anything else—scared, excited, worried, content, ready—all at the same time!
I remember that feeling so well: dreaming of what your new life will look like, imagining the moment your baby comes home, wondering what they’ll look like, how they’ll act, and how you’ll feel stepping into motherhood.
You’ve created a vision in your head, carefully planning how you’ll care for your new baby in those first weeks. But here’s your reminder, Mama: not everything will go as planned—and that’s okay.
Make a plan, but don’t be hard on yourself if it changes. It’s natural to feel defeated in the moment, but trust your instincts and follow your heart. If something doesn’t go as you thought it would, take it in stride and give yourself the grace you deserve. Every journey is different, every baby is different.
I’ll never forget bringing home my first baby. I was terrified. So terrified that I didn’t even want to leave the hospital. The minute we got in the car, I burst into tears. The responsibility of keeping this tiny human alive felt overwhelming. I couldn’t believe they just let us leave with him!
When we got home, I was determined to breastfeed. But my boobs were so engorged that I couldn’t even feed him. The lactation consultant at the hospital told me not to pump because it might mess with my milk supply, but I was in so much pain I couldn’t stop crying.
Desperate, I called my older sister. She said, “PUMP! You’ll feel so much better. You have to trust yourself and listen to what YOU need. Don’t worry about what anyone else says.”
Her words were exactly what I needed to hear. In that moment, my perspective shifted. I reminded myself that no one knows my body or my baby better than I do. I didn't have the answers, but I had the ability to make the right decisions for myself and for him.
Fear is such a natural part of motherhood. You’re doing something completely new, and the stakes feel higher than ever. But fear doesn’t mean you’re not capable—it just means you care. When those feelings creep in, remind yourself of all the love you have for your baby. Use that love as your compass.
You’re going to have moments of doubt. Times when you’ll wonder if you’re doing it “right.” But trust me, Mama, you are. Babies are so resilient, and no one knows your baby better than you. Your instincts are powerful—trust them.
I hope this little message helps you. Remember, you were made for this. Your baby was made for you. Together, you’ll figure it out, one day at a time. There will be tears, laughs, challenges, and triumphs, but through it all, trust your heart. If it feels right for you and your baby, it probably is.
Mama, you’ve got this. You’re stronger than you think, and you’re the perfect mama for your baby!